Saturday, November 10, 2012

Wikipedia: Global Warming

 Follow this link to Wikipedia and read about global warming.  Keep in mind that Wikipedia is created, edited and updated continuously by experts from around the world in the field of climate change.


"Warming of the climate system is unequivocal, and scientists are more than 90% certain that it is primarily caused by increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases produced by human activities such as the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation.[3][4][5][6] These findings are recognized by the national science academies of all major industrialized nations."[7][A]

1.  Summarize the conclusions of the statement above in your own words.

2.  Spend some time reading the content of this article and view the various
     graphics and charts.

3.  Scroll through the article and read the section titled "Global Warming Controversy."
     Summarize the content of this section in your own words.

4.  Click on the "Talk" tab at the top of the page and read through the
    "Frequently Asked Questions"section.  Is there really a scientific
     consensus on Global Warming?

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