"Sandy was a blunt reminder that the technical term for people affected by climate change is people. It's an environmental issue, a security issue and, yes, an economic issue."
Follow the link and read the entire article. According to this Time Magazine article...
1. What kind of progress has been made on this issue in the last four years?
2. What type of action is still needed?
3. Explain why climate change is a security issue and an economic issue.
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Wikipedia: Global Warming
Follow this link to Wikipedia and read about global warming. Keep in mind that Wikipedia is created, edited and updated continuously by experts from around the world in the field of climate change.
1. Summarize the conclusions of the statement above in your own words.
2. Spend some time reading the content of this article and view the various
graphics and charts.
3. Scroll through the article and read the section titled "Global Warming Controversy."
Summarize the content of this section in your own words.
4. Click on the "Talk" tab at the top of the page and read through the
"Frequently Asked Questions"section. Is there really a scientific
consensus on Global Warming?
National Geographic: Global Warming
Bring up the topic of global warming, and you may find yourself in the middle of a "heated" conversation. Why is this considered such a controversial topic? Follow this link to the National Geographic web site to get reliable, factual information on this topic.
1. What are two things you learned from this site?
2. What are two questions that you still have about global warming?
Editorial Cartoon: Climate Science
Former Vice President Al Gore directed a movie called "An Inconvenient Truth" in which he presented scientific research that makes the case for global warming.
1. What opinion is expressed in this cartoon?
2. Explain why you agree or disagree with this cartoon's message.
1. What opinion is expressed in this cartoon?
2. Explain why you agree or disagree with this cartoon's message.
Editorial Cartoon
1. Why do you think the artist chose to show Hurricane Sandy inside an hour glass?
2. What do you think is the message of the cartoon?
3. Explain why you agree or disagree with this message.
Editorial Opinion
1. What opinions does the writer present to link Hurricane Sandy to global warming?
2. What opinions does the writer present that question the connection between
Hurricane Sandy and global warming?
3. How can you tell the difference between a factual article and one that expresses the
writer's opinion? What clues should you look for to help you decide?
New York City Flooding Animation
Click on the link below. It will take you to my home page where you will be able to watch this clip.
1. How does this animation compare to the flooding New York City experienced from
Hurricane Sandy?
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